Mirage Mall, Mostafa Kamel Axis, First settlement, Ground floor.
Speed Service
for security and cash IN TRANSIT
We select, appoint, train and supervise the best security guards in the field as well as providing anti-theft security plans for establishments. Also we provide security guards with manual equipments for bomb detection. We provide industrial security and fire combat plans for different establishments and supervise their execution. Furthermore, we supply and install advanced alarm systems and closed T.V circuits as well as infra red gates.
Cash in Transit
Cash Processing
Why Choose Us
Will always provide our customers with the most secured and reliable medium for cash in transit.
Will always provide our customers with the most efficient and fastest service available in the market
Will deploy exceptional quality management procedures through all the communication with the clients, starting from the call center until the delivery.
Will always strive to serve all our clients demands, professionally and efficiently through our exceptional service levels.